Your useful productivity tool
Newtec WebServices is an internet based business information and productivity tool. WebServices monitors the activities of your Newtec machines, collects the production data and reports to the users.
Newtec WebServices provides you with a complete system to collect, analyse and present all relevant production data from your Newtec equipment. This includes:
- alarm systems
- downtime reports
statistics about production and products:
- size, distribution, quality, waste, special selections etc.
The main feature is how you can use WebServices for enhanced traceability and:
- obtain a clear and accurate overview of product utilization
- secure best practice in product optimisation
- ease the work in relation to grower management

Powerful information tool
- Traceability
- Remote diagnostic and support
- Statistics, batch control/reporting
Optimise your Newtec machines
Newtec WebServices is a very flexible and user-friendly system. To a large degree it can be tailor-made to individual needs depending on the type of information you require. On the shop floor, the machine operator requires one type of data, the production manager requires another type of production data and the managing director may want certain reports at specific times every day, week or month.
These are all important data that WebServices automatically generates. The data will enable you to optimise your Newtec machines and production lines to find better ways to earn the optimum from every single product.

Access to WebServices
You can access your own WebServices at any time from anywhere - as long as you are on-line. Should you require assistance from our Newtec After Sales team, they will link up to your Newtec machine and assist you directly.
Please contact your local representative for more information. See more