PEB wicket bagger

Efficient Wicket Bagger with PEB41

Newtec’s PEB41 is a high-performance wicket bagger, designed to streamline the packaging process for fresh produce. Our wicketers allow for seamless bag handling, ensuring efficient filling and secure closure for a variety of products, including potatoes, carrots, and apples. Whether you need a fully automated wicket bagging solution or a semi-automatic setup, the PEB41 delivers precision, speed, and reliability.


  • High Capacity: Up to 25 bags per min.
  • Gentle product handling - also for fragile and delicate products
  • Customized according to packaging type and product
  • Reliable and easy to maintain
  • Touch screen integrated in the cabinet
  • User friendly software - easy to operate

Potatoes • Carrots • Apples • Similar fruits and vegetables

Your advantages

  • Flexible for various bag sizes
  • Prepared for either a Kwik Lok or a tape closing unit
  • Efficient twist/cut function after filling
  • Top trim option
tape icon
apples in a big wicketed bag
apples in a small wicked bag
tape newtec apples in a big wicketed bag
kwik lok kwiklok lock newtec apples in a small wicked bag

Packaging Machine for Wicketed Bags

Speed*: Up to 25 bags per min.*
Capacity: Weight up to 5 kg (PEB41A up to 3 kg)
Bag size: H: 300mm - 550mm
W: 220mm - 320mm
Material: According to the EU/FDA rules on food contact materials
Protection class: IP54

Air Requirement

Connection: 3/8”
Min. pressure: 6 bar (0.6 Mpa)
Consumption: 130 NL/min.
Electrical Requirement: 3x220 VAC or 3x400 VAC (N)
PE 50/60 Hz 1 kW
Environment: 5°C - 40°C
Weight: 320 kg

*Speed: depending on model and product

2D layout of newtec packaging machine for wicketed bags PEB40


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