方案示例 - 胡萝卜

Carrot Solution

Root Vegetable Mix Solution
Carrot Solution
安装时间: 三月 2012
产品: 胡萝卜
包装规格: 0,5-2,5 kg
产量: 60 件/分钟 (每台包装机30件)
合作伙伴: Gillenkirch
- Newtec 称重机, 型号 4015B2G
- 两台水平包装机,型号:Gillenkirch 7000E-K
- 4x输送带产品收集系统(PCS),每侧两条
- 底架和操作平台

Newtec 之所以赢得了这个项目,主要原因是我们的机器精度一直非常高(低于 0.2%),节约了企业成本。另外,我们轻柔处理产品,低掉落高度确保产品不受损伤。最重要的一点,我们可以保证达到所要求的高产量。
Root Vegetable Mix Solution
安装时间: 五月 2018
产品: 胡萝卜, Parsnips, Turnips, Leeks
包装规格: Average weight of portion: 650 g
To be packed in: Trays
产量: 40 件/分钟
- Newtec weighing machine, model h2012DL
- Newtec weighing machine, model h2012DG
- Newtec packaging machine, model BD2 with Index Conveyor

The customer wanted to go from manual packaging of their mix of four vegetables to an automated solution. They were looking for a manufacturer that would help them optimize their production and take them to a higher level with an automated solution. Because they were experiencing many portions being either overweight or underweight, they needed more accurate portion weighing to decrease their percentage of give away.
Their product was soup mix – a mix of four products with a target weight of 650 g to be nicely presented in a punnet.
In reference to the demanded weighing accuracy, we did not have any concerns, because that is the core competencies of our weighers. Our challenge was more to settle the four different (shape & size) vegetables in the punnet, so they would look styled and so that it would be easy to cover the punnets with the foil with no products sticking out.
The benefit for the customer was in this case optimized production in general and in particularly:
- Accurate portion sizes
- Reduced give away
- Less repackaging caused by over/under weight
- More portions per minutes with less staff
The two Newtec weighing machines are running exemplary in Spain. The weighing machine, model DL was chosen for the solution because of its ability to separate the products to be weighed one at a time. The DG model is a Newtec weighing machine especially for carrots.
The weight is combined from the best combination from one of each product (parsnips, leeks, turnips) from the DL weigher. The remaining weight comes from the DG weigher (carrots). The tricky part was to have the product weighed out last placed in the punnet first. The function of the collecting pan system is that products weighed last (in this case carrots) will be placed in the bottom of the punnet.
The Newtec packaging machine BD2 with index conveyor and special collecting pan system is smoothly supplying the line with two punnets at a time with the accurate portion sizes from the two weighing machines.
An Index conveyor is a ”special” type of conveyor which is used for transporting punnets in steps of a specified length.
With a capacity of 40 portions per minute, there should be plenty of opportunities for the Spanish consumers to find the soup mix in the refrigerated counter of the supermarket.
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